Why Content Marketing Is Important For Your Business

by December 24, 2013Content Marketing, Guest Blog, Off-Page, On-Page, Online Marketing, SEOComments (0)363

If your company isn’t investing time and resources to content marketing, I have one simple question for you, Why not? If we, as online marketers, have learned anything from the recent changes Google has made to their algorithm, it’s that content, high quality content, is the best way to move up, and stay up, in the search rankings. At the same time it will increase your reputation as an industry leader on the various social networks.

Even if, for whatever reason, you aren’t concerned with your Search Engine ranking and anything else related to SEO, content should still be an important part of your overall website strategy.

Here are some reasons why:

1. Get Social. There are social media networking sites that specialize in nearly every niche, and the thing that people love to do is share what they find. This is a very inexpensive way for your company to establish yourself as the “Voice of Industry”, create some good sharable content, could be an infographic, video or even a meme, which will help you reach out to new customers.

2. People are more comfortable with a site that has fresh content. Personally, when I go onto a website, and the most recent update to the site is over 6 month old, I start to get a little nervous about doing any business there. Whether it’s a news article about your company, or even one that you created, an upcoming calendar event, a tidbit about the company, or weekly blog post, showing that your website is live, and important to you, will create a sense of security for people browsing the site.

3. Consumers prefer content overs ads. According to research done by Content+, a UK consulting firm, 70% of consumers prefer reading about and learning about company from articles over ads. While around 60% feel more comfortable with a business/site after seeing there is fresh content on the site itself.

Of course another positive benefit from this is that this will undoubtedly improve your rankings in the search engines, even if that’s not your intention. Google has long said that the best form of SEO is to build your website for your users, and not for the Google Bots. So by simply adding quality content, you will be taking a step in the right direction for your online marketing efforts, regardless of what kind of site you run, and what your intentions are.

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